That Southern Girl

It's my crazy life…

I’m a mom, half-a^s blogger, photographer, short order cook, chauffeur and a few other things that I can’t remember at the moment.

I was diagnosed with CPTSD a few years ago, and that has made things interesting to say the least.  Maybe not so much for everyone else, but now I at least have a reason for being such a PITA at times.

For whatever reason I tend to channel an old Jewish lady at the drop of a hat.  She sounds just like Linda Richman, and when I speak she speaks or vice versa… We are working things out at the moment.  Currently she’s back in New York while I sit here shvitzing in Florida… but I digress.

I could write all day long about my family, with how crazy they are..mostly in a good way.  We can save this for another time.

So if you want to follow along, click that magic button…

If you don’t want to, that’s fine too, but you are gonna miss out!!!

3 thoughts on “About me!!!

  1. Jennifer Fatina says:

    My daughter was diagnosed with ( SLE) Lupus at age 15, now almost four year later her body has taken a hard hit. Whith in the past four months her lupus has caused her to endure two tonic-clonic seizures and multiple neurological problems. My daughters went through 3 chemotherapy infusions and where waiting on blood work to see if she will need to continue with chemotherapy. My daughter was in her Senior year of high school which she was unable to graduate because of not being able to attend school since December 2013, it was heart breaking for her because she was an honor roll student in all advance placement classes. This disease almost killed my daughter and I would let it rob her of her future. I’m her mother and like always, I’ll make things right for her.

  2. Sandra Jasper says:

    About a year ago I was told I was border line for lupus no one really explain to me what it is just started hurting all through my body and couldn’t hardly moved notice when I eat fish or seafood it would flare up also break out in hives only information founded by internet please help me and explain somerhigs to me and give me advice about this sickness

  3. Susan Marx says:

    Nicole, I was like you, just a Southern Girl but was raised on a farm in Ga. My young years were always with pain but of course my Dad would tell me I was too young to know what pain was. I worked in the fields with my Brothers and had a little Sister that was 6 years younger who was born with Diabetes so I felt guilty for even complaining because my parents were going through a learning curve of something that was known little of back then. I went through a lifetime of struggles and stress including molestation so at times I didn’t even want to live and actually took an overdose when I was only 15. I am 51 now and went into nursing when I was 28 and left by my Husband to raise 2 boys. This disease is robbing me of so much! There are days that I can’t get out of bed because of the pain and days I can’t lay there because my spine is wrecked with blown disc and RA. I Thank God everyday though for allowing me another day no matter what I have to endure because he has Blessed us with 2 Beautiful Grandchildren. We live in Daytona Beach Fl. and have for about 2 years and never knew that after my oldest Son got out of the Marines that he would end up in Atlanta. It is so very difficult to ride that 7 1/2 hours to see them and my heart aches to be closer so we are trying to get financially stable enough to move. That’s the other thing, it is so hard to save your money when you are having to pay a co pay to all kinds of specialist. Don’t get me wrong, I am so Blessed to have finally gotten my disability which took forever but when you are paying co pays to your internal doc, your Rheumatologist, your Neurologist, Bone specialist, etc. it really adds up. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get long winded. I just wanted to say that so many of us think up reasons in our mind why our body may hurt but now that the disease is more recognized, I truly hope that people will learn about it and take heed to the fact something hurts and there is really no reason and it just keeps being that way. Another thing, as a healthcare professional of 18years, our family Doctors need to become more educated about Lupus and how to diagnose it based on the symptoms that they are being presented with! They are so quick to just throw Fibromyalgia on patients before doing any kind of true workup. So many patients never get diagnosed or it takes years to get diagnosed which by then a lot of the damage has been done and can’t be reversed. Good luck and may you be Blessed Nicole and thanks for the time to vent a little!

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